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- Sam Duke
Actor - Sam Duke
Freshman - Hotel Transylvania
Cast - Duke
Peter Sam - Alexander
Calvert - Peter Sam
Wooden - Duke Peter Sam
and Sir Handel - Dean Winchester
67 Impala - The Little Old
Engine - Fireman Sam
Voice Actors - General Lee
Movie - Smokey and the Bandit
GMC General - Thomas Sir Handel
Duke - Thomas the Tank Engine Peter
Sam - Peter Sam
Wood - Sam
Elliott without Mustache - Thomas the Tank Engine Trackmaster
Duke - Miranda
Frigon - Thomas Duncan
Sir Handel - Eye of the Tiger with
Jensen Ackles - Mopar Nationals Dukes
of Hazzard - Tom Selleck Sam
Elliott Western - Basketball Duke
Forest - Life Is Good
Heartland - Thomas Wooden Railway
Duke - Thomas the Tank Engine
Movie 2013 - Supernatural Eye
of the Tiger - Hotel Transylvania
Part 9 - Hotel Transylvania
Part 2 - UNC Vs. Duke
2007 Basketball
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