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- Devon Murray
Today - Devon Murray
Movies - Devon Murray
and Girlfriend - Seamus Finnigan
Wand - Harry Potter
Seamus - Sarah
Douglas - Devon Murray
Harry Potter 1 - Matthew
Lewis - Sarah Douglas
Actor - James Phelps
Actor - Shane
Rimmer - Sylvester McCoy
Hobbit - Devon Murray
Performing Magic - Sarah Douglas Conan
the Destroyer - James and Oliver Phelps
Harry Potter - Sarah Douglas
Superman - Jamie
Waylett - Scott Patterson
Actor - Colin Firth
Actor - Nana
Visitor - David Thewlis and
Alan Rickman - Jessie Cave
Harry Potter - Alfie
Enoch - Alfred Enoch
Interviews - Chris Barrie
Interview - Reid
Ewing - Alfie
Allen - Harry Potter
Q&A - Harry Potter
2014 - Dean Thomas
Harry Potter - Ellie Darcey
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