Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and ... - NC DHHS
WIC provides access to healthy food, breastfeeding support and encouragement, nutrition education, and referrals for health care and community services. To apply for the WIC …
Apply for WIC | NCDHHS
WIC provides access to healthy food, breastfeeding support and encouragement, nutrition education, and referrals for health care and community services. The North Carolina WIC …
NC WIC Authorized Product List (APL) | NCDHHS
The North Carolina WIC Program Authorized Product List (APL) has been made available for vendor/retailer review. If you have questions, or concerns, or would like items removed from …
Johnston County, North Carolina Public Health Department
Please call us at (919)989-5255 if you have any questions or would like to discuss options for alternative appointments. Please call (919) 989-5255 to Schedule your WIC Appointment. You …
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) | Stanly County, NC
Explore the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, which provides nutrition education, healthy food, and support services to eligible pregnant women, new mothers, and young …
Women, Infants, and Children | Gaston County, NC
Jun 14, 2022 · WIC provides services to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, as well as infants and children. WIC food benefits are issued into an electronic benefit account …
Women, Infant, & Children (WIC) Program - Franklin County, North Carolina
Meet WIC Income Guidelines. Talk with a WIC Nutritionist about health and nutrition habits. *If you receive Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) known as Work First …
Lincoln Community Health Center, Durham, NC
What is WIC? WIC provides access to healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support and resources for families. WIC information is confidential and will not be shared.
WIC | Richmond County, NC - Official Website
Participants use an electronic benefit transfer system (eWIC) to access food benefits and cash-value vouchers (for fruits and vegetables) at authorized retail grocery stores and pharmacies. …
Applying for WIC - Guilford County
To participate in WIC, you must be income eligible and have a qualifying medical or nutritional need. To be eligible, you must: Live in North Carolina; Be a pregnant woman; a woman who …