Peter Max - 47 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Peter Max was born in 1937, a remarkable figure of American-German Pop Art. Find more works of this artist at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Peter Max - 47 œuvres d'art - peinture - WikiArt.org
Peter Max (de son vrai nom Peter Max Finkelstein), est un artiste juif américain d'origine allemande, né le 19 octobre 1937 à Berlin. Il est une des figures majeures du pop art et de l'art psychédélique américains.
Peter Max - 47 Kunstwerke - Malerei - WikiArt.org
Peter Max (* 19. Oktober 1937 in Berlin als Peter Finkelstein) ist ein US-amerikanischer Pop-Art -Künstler deutsch-jüdischer Herkunft. In Deutschland geboren, flüchteten seine Eltern mit ihm vor dem Nationalsozialismus nach China, wo er in Shanghai aufwuchs.
Peter Max - 47 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Peter Max: List of works - All Artworks by Date 1→10www.wikiart.org
Discovery, 1992 - Peter Max - WikiArt.org
‘Discovery’ was created in 1992 by Peter Max in Pop Art style. Find more prominent pieces of illustration at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Peter Max - 47 obras de arte - pintura - WikiArt.org
Artistas Alfabeto Art movements Schools and groups Géneros Fields Nationalities Advanced search Compra una reproducción Instituciones de Arte Сronología Рopular Artistas femeninas ♀ Últimos аñadidos Sigloswww.wikiart.org
Peter Max - 47 Kunstwerke - Malerei - WikiArt.org
Peter Max: Liste der werke - Alle Kunstwerke nach Datum 1→10
Peter Max - 47 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Peter Max: List of works #12 Captain Midnight, 1966 Toulouse Lautrec, 1966 1 2 3 Infinity, The Contemporaries, 1967 Penney's Rainbow Lane, 1967 Psychedelic Cloud, 1967 The Visionaries at the East Hampton Gallery, 1967 Untitled (Bob Dylan), 1967 Love, 1969 Illustration, 1970 Closer to God, 1971 Composition Red & Green, 1979 Freedom, 1980 Deco ...
JFK, 1989 - Peter Max - WikiArt.org
‘JFK’ was created in 1989 by Peter Max in Pop Art style. Find more prominent pieces of portrait at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Psychedelic Cloud, 1967 - Peter Max - WikiArt.org
‘Psychedelic Cloud’ was created in 1967 by Peter Max in Pop Art style. Find more prominent pieces of landscape at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.