Iron Man Armor: Mark XLIV - Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
The Iron Man Armor: Mark XLIV, better known as Hulkbuster, was Tony Stark's forty-fourth Iron Man suit, made with the help of Bruce Banner. Created solely for the purpose of restraining …
Mark XLIV - Hulkbuster | Iron Man Wiki | Fandom
It's armor plates have been upgraded to withstand the attacks of The Hulk and there is a storage satellite nicknamed "Veronica" that contains replacement pieces of armor to replace those …
Iron Man Armor Model 13 | Marvel Database - Fandom
One of these was the Hulkbuster add-on used when Hulk confronted Iron Man over the production of gamma bombs when part of Stane International. The two met at a production plant. Stark …
Mark XLIV - Marvel Cinematic Universe Guide - IGN
Apr 3, 2016 · The Mark XLIV armor, nicknamed Hulkbuster, was a 9' 10" Iron Man armor designed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to contain the Hulk in desperate situations. It …
Duel of Johannesburg | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
Hulk recovered almost instantly and charged at Iron Man. Seeing that the left arm of the suit was too damaged, Iron Man ejected it and called the hovering "Veronica" carrier for a replacement. …
Iron Man's armor - Wikipedia
Iron Man's armor is a fictional powered exoskeleton appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is built and worn by billionaire Tony Stark when he assumes …
Mark XLVIII - Hulkbuster Mk II | Iron Man Wiki | Fandom
The Mark XLVIII (Mark 48) is Tony Stark’s forty-eighth Iron Man suit. It was built after Captain America: Civil War. Powered by 14 Arc Reactors. It was used and operated by Bruce Banner, …
Category:Iron Man Armors - Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
This category is for all Iron Man Armors personally created by Tony Stark. This listing also includes the War Machine Armors, which were also created by Tony Stark.
MCU: All 17 Iron Man Suits Tony Created (In Order) - Comic Basics
Sep 7, 2023 · The Hulkbuster is a modular suit that Stark can wear while wearing regular Iron Man armor. Using an orbital tracking platform known as Veronica, additional parts were …
Iron Man Armor MK XLIV (Earth-199999) - Marvel Database
Apr 23, 2015 · Using independent propulsion systems, each module can fly to the user and assemble into a complete Hulkbuster suit. The inner Iron Man suit is contained entirely within …