Moana 2 is a 2024 English animation movie directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand and Dana Ledoux Miller with voice ...
Paraman is an upcoming Indian movie directed by J Sabarish starring Supergood Subramani, Pala Karuppaiyah, Vaiyapuri and ...
Despite an intriguing start and commendable performances, Hello Mummy falters in its inconsistent narrative, blending fantasy ...
Sookshmadarshini is a meticulously crafted thriller, where the slow pace, exceptional performances by Basil Joseph and ...
Despite a promising premise, Njan Kandatha Sare falters with a lackluster execution, leaving its suspenseful elements underdeveloped and the charac... K. R. Rejeesh Review ...
Telugu Kannada Bengali Family Padam Tamil Movie Feature Film | Comedy, Drama OVERVIEW GALLERY VIDEOS Family Padam is an upcoming Indian movie directed by Selvah Kumar Thirumaaran starring Udhay ...
Then Chennai is an upcoming Indian movie directed by Ranga Nathan starring Ranga Nathan, Riya Murugan, Nitin Mehta and Elango Kumanan. The feature film is produced by Ranga Nathan and the music ...
'Turkish Tharkkam' explores the conflict between superstition and reason within a religious community, driven by a powerful performance from Lukman Avaran and a heartfelt narrative that critiques ...
Sasan is a 2024 Gujarathi movie directed by Ashok Ghosh starring Anjali Barot, Chetan Dhanani, Mayur Chauhan and Ragini Shah. The feature film is produced by Dr. Hitesh Patel and the music composed by ...