'(what) a load of old tat', draws on the emotional and nostalgic value that old objects can hold, whether through genuine links to a specific item or through emotional resonance. Growing up I have ...
The built environment generates 47% of the global carbon footprint those split between building, materials, and construction. Façade with a complex morphology produces a lower carbon footprint due to ...
Moroccan Architectural Fusion: A Celebration of Culture and Craftsmanship" is a project which delves into the essence of Moroccan architecture and design. Through extensive exploration, a collection ...
The displayed artistry is a symbolic representation of the external symptoms and consequential poisoning, due to prolonged exposure to metal toxicity. My designs depict the continuation of handling ...
HerTech is a ready-to-wear fashion collection tailored for women in tech. Emphasizing comfort and confidence, the collection seamlessly blends style and functionality for the modern professional. From ...
Deriving inspiration from 20th century orthopedic braces, “Topology of a body” is a series of body jewellery that closely conform to the human anatomy and resemble the body’s structural elements. Each ...
For our 5th Anniversary edition, Arts Thread is delighted that WGSN + Coloro are collaborating on the Global Creative Graduate Showcase 2024. Global Creative Graduate Showcase is open to all ...
A Catalogue of found fragments focuses on themes of collection and colour analysis. Drawing upon the textural curiosities found in ceramic ‘Artefacts’ unearthed at home, the aim of this project was to ...
This project is inspired by an artistic study into a hypothetical artificial planet made up of human bodies by Julijonas Urbanos, which he presented at the 17th Venice architecture Biannale. In ...
The origin of the concept of Mayko comes from extensive research around the subsoil. During this investigation, a connection was made between the existence of a type of fungi called mycorrhizal and ...
The project My Grief is a Line- Sometimes a Circle is an introspective search for healing, (self-)care and affection, reflecting cultural histories of grief and personal trauma in relation to hair.
The Me I’ve Made for You is an interactive audiovisual installation using computer vision and custom software created in Max/MSP Jitter. The work represents the ...