The Summer Hikaru Died” is a hit horror manga series about an ordinary high school boy, YOSHIKI, who experiences various mysterious incidents in his life with Hikaru, a mysterious being who imitates ...
Yu-Gi-Oh has launched a fancy new collab with King Ice for some truly sparkly jewelry worthy of the King of Games ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection is planned for release on February 27, 2025, but a retail box for the game encouraging ...
The secondhand collectible market is full of stories of people making money from selling rare and desirable cards, such as Magic: The Gathering's Foil Modern Masters 2015 Tarmogoyf Grand Prix Vegas ...
Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel officially unveils the December update to the game's banlist, banning one new card and limiting three.
Duelist Pack Kaiba is a reprint set that showcases many of the cards used by Seto Kaiba himself. Included in this set is an ...
Two anime adaptations were created for the series, but the one most fans will recognize is Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters. Duel Monsters was the first arc in the story to focus on the “Duel Monsters ...
For a little help starting, check out our Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel dragon decks guide. This remake of 1995’s iconic Panzer Dragoon invites you to explore the skies of a post-apocalyptic world on the back ...
The Seal of Orichalcos was introduced in the fourth season of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime in 2005. It had no official paper counterpart until Upper Deck Entertainment created a custom version for their Duel ...
can be considered to be a manga-anime classic and, as has been the case with other games, has also been taken to the realm of videogames on numerous occasions. On this occasion, it does so in Yu-Gi-Oh ...