"Moana 2," a sequel to the 2016 animated film that reunites the wayfinding title character with demigod Maui, sailed to a ...
The combination of the animated sequel, the history-making 'Wicked' and 'Gladiator II' is delivering an unparalleled ...
• In July, SeaWorld Orlando introduced Penguin Trek, a roller coaster that flies over the park’s faux-snow-topped Antarctica ...
Moana 2,' Disney's sequel to the beloved original film, is expected to break Thanksgiving weekend box office records with as ...
Moana 2, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Mulan, Frozen, Zootopia, Cinderella, Wreck-It Ralph, The Lion King, and more.
"World of Color - Season of Light" has returned to Disney California Adventure for the 2024 holiday season with a new "Moana ...
The highly anticipated Tiana’s Bayou Adventure officially made a grand splash at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California, on ...
Original voice cast members Auliʻi Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson return, as does the first film's laudable commitment to ...
Readers offered hundreds of suggestions for the 14th annual installment of this Thanksgiving tradition. Some are old favorites. Some you might want to look up or check out. All help make Central ...
Some of the best things to do at Disneyland are the secret things that most park visitors don't even know about.
Warm weather vacations If you, like me, see snow and immediately want to head inside and under the covers, I have good news: ...