Tucson Symphony Orchestra's latest cineconcert this weekend will have you humming the Disney blockbuster film's soundtrack.
The Friends of the Wildey are also conducting the annual ornament fundraiser and sponsoring the Interactive White Christmas at the Madison County venue.
Southgate Cinema closed in September 2023. New plans call for converting most of the 10 separate cinema auditoriums into one large banquet hall.
After a nearly two-year absence, movies are again lighting up screens in downtown Springfield’s College Station development.
With a constant variety of movies coming to theaters, The Channels asked two staff writers to discuss how movie-goers should ...
The Regal movie theater in Portland’s Centennial neighborhood closed Sunday, according to its marquee, making it the third ...
Located at 1501 Governors Square Blvd., the movie theater has stripped Tallahassee from its website when searching for ...
Dec. 2, 2014: Salvatore LaGrasso, 58, a former supervisor on the New Jersey piers, was sentenced in Newark federal court for ...
Here are all the places you'll find holiday movies in Twin Cities area theaters in December. Dec. 2: Silent Night, Deadly ...
Rishka Festival brought together carefully selected local artists, musicians, shops and stalls for two nights of celebration of Bangla culture and cuisine ...
The River Valley took center stage in Biloxi Blues, a 1988 film starring Matthew Broderick, known for his iconic role in ...
Roy Thomson Hall hosts Tchaikovsky’s classical ballet Saturday, while the Ontario Place documentary, "Your Tomorrow," screens ...