, MEDAN - Warga binaan Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia (Pertuni) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) menggelar kegiatan rutin membaca Al-Quran Braille di bulan suci Ramadan. Kegiatan tadarus Al-Quran ..., Medan - Ribuan santri di Pesantren Tarbiyah Islamiyah Ar ... dan 1.900 santri putri. Mereka antusias membaca Al-Qur'an dengan formasi melingkar. "Setiap lingkaran terdiri dari sembilan ...
Di Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara (Sumut), setiap Ramadan, Masjid Raya Al Mashun Medan, di Jalan Sisingamangaraja, tidak hanya menjadi tempat ibadah, tetapi juga tujuan masyarakat untuk menyantap hidangan ...
Dalam sebuah unggahan di Instagram, Muhammad Syifa Al Ufti alias Electroguy ... hanya sebatas itu tidak menyinggung konser," katanya. Pendiri Lokataru Haris Azhar justru merasa janggal dengan alasan ...
The official religious institutions and so-called Islamic universities are the cause of this calamity. Al Azhar, which is one of the oldest Islamic universities in the world, exerts a hypocrisy par ...
Ahmed al-Shara’s unlikely path from membership in Al Qaeda to head of state has raised questions about how he intends to govern Syria. Ahmed al-Shara’s unlikely path from membership in Al ...
Ahmed al-Sharaa on Tuesday urged his countrymen to unite and pledged to establish a transitional justice body, as he welcomed participants of a national dialogue aimed at guiding the country’s ...
The move is the latest chapter in the success story of the Al Aseel restaurant business, which has expanded across the city, and even into airline food and supermarket products. With new ...
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, the highest seat of Sunni Islamic learning, wished speedy recovery on Sunday for Pope Francis, 88, who is being treated for double pneumonia "I pray to God to grant my ...
MEDAN, - Kepolisian Resor Asahan menggagalkan peredaran ... yang merupakan mantan anggota Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI AL), terlibat baku tembak dengan polisi. Kasat ...
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