For an anime as successful as Pokémon, it's only natural to have blatant rip-offs that are either distinct or forever remain ...
Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo Isekai Anime's 1st Video Unveils Cast, Staff, October Debut (Mar 12, 2024) Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo Anime Unveils Visual, 2024 Premiere (Oct 12, 2023 ...
K Blu-ray editions of all three Deadpool movies, Alien, Predator, James Bond, John Wick, and more are B2G1 free for Black ...
Ash and Annie are back, and the Evil Dead have never been more Evil nor more Dead! Chaos reigns in the final chapter of the miniseries trilogy starting with Beyond Dead By Dawn and continued with ...
The DnD Tiefling is a species that’s entirely unique to the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Horned, hellish, and hella charismatic, the Tiefling 5e have long tails and vibrant skin thanks to their ...
You can choose whether you want Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom to be your casting ability. Connected to the planes with a lawful evil leaning, such as the Nine Hells, Acheron, and Gehenna, these ...