The games getting a source code release are Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn), Red Alert, C&C Renegade, and C&C Generals and ...
EA has released the source code for classic strategy games in the Command & Conquer series along with Steam Workshop ...
Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Renegade, and Generals have all been added to EA’s GitHub page, joining the 2020 Remastered ...
The whole Command and Conquer series is revitalized as EA launches Steam mod support, alongside source code for Red Alert and Tiberian Dawn.
And if we’re going to be fiercely critical of EA when it does horrible things, it’s also crucial that we celebrate when the ...
EA have restored and released the full source code for several antique Command & Conquer games under the General Public ...
The code was recovered and restored by EA technical director Brian Barnes, Respawn producer Jim Vessella and Luke 'CCHyper' Feenan, a Command & Conquer community member who proposed and organised the ...
EA has released the source code for Command & Conquer to a community of modders who like designing new levels for the vintage RTS game.
EA has open sourced the code for some of its Command and Conquer games, making it easier than ever for modders to do their thing.
Video game preservation scored a win today with EA's decision to make four Command & Conquer games open source.
I can't quite believe it either. Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Command & Conquer Renegade and Command & Conquer Generals (inc ...
EA published the source codes for the classic Command & Conquer games for modders. Here's how to get them and start modding.