A new study of cities across the globe has found a link between climate change and larger increases in the urban rat ...
There’s a saying that in a big city you are never more than six feet away from a rat. It’s an urban myth but scientists are ...
We asked researchers how they stay positive even after the world tipped past 1.5 degrees warming last year. Their answers ...
Although pieces of the analysis include degrees of uncertainty, researchers said trends show climate change increased the ...
Extreme weather is becoming more destructive as the world warms, but how can we say that climate change intensified the fires ...
The world is adept at balancing the warming gases in its atmosphere, but anthropogenic climate change is challenging this ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has directed officials to remove content related to climate change from its public ...
A new report suggests that climate change-induced factors, like reduced rainfall, primed conditions for the Palisades and ...
A science-oriented advocacy group says the Earth is moving closer to destruction. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said ...
As Los Angeles reels from the loss of lives and homes to the Easton and Palisades fires, scientists are asking why the events ...