The Vilnius City Council, Lithuania, adopted a resolution in support of Ukraine on Wednesday, 27 November, calling for ...
The authorities in Lithuania say there is no research facility in the country that can analyse the black boxes of the cargo ...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Swedbank Lithuania are extending a €48.4 million loan ...
One person was killed and three others were injured when a cargo plane crashed early Monday as it came in to land at ...
A DHL cargo plane crash landed in Lithuania, killing one crew member, but authorities say it's too soon to link it to ...
Į šventes – Žiemos, Šerkšno, Sniego, Šiaurės, Eglių, Sniegenų, Briedžių, Elnių, Bruknių, Aguonų, Riešutų, Medaus gatvėmis.
One crew member was killed after a cargo plane crashed early Monday on the outskirts of Vilnius Airport in Lithuania, skidded ...
LTG grupės keleivių vežimo bendrovė „LTG Link“ ir Druskininkų miestas pranešime žiniasklaidai kviečia savaitgalį nuo gruodžio ...
The DHL cargo plane crashed near the airport in Vilnius last Monday, killing one crew member, a Spanish national. There were a total of four crew members on board. The other three, a Spaniard, a ...
EBRD lends €18 million to support construction of a sustainable office building in Vilnius ; Investment promotes urban ...
According to data from, the DHL Boeing 737-400 freighter, registered as EC-MFE, operating as flight QY5690 ...