Retired major general Athmane Tartag, also known as Bachir, the former head of the DRS intelligence and security agency, has been placed under house arrest in the west Algerian city of Oran, where he ...
JOANNOU & PARASKEVAIDES J&P OVERSEAS (Greece) has won a contract to build a 120 km-long gas pipeline between Melitah and Tripoli.
The nomination of the chief magistrate of Nairobi to the supreme court strongly resembles a reward for the loyalty he has displayed towards the régime of President Daniel arap Moi, particularly in the ...
BROWN & ROOT-CONDOR, a joint engineering venture between Sonatrach and the U.S. firm Brown & Root, an affiliate of Halliburton, posted net earnings of 1.9 billion dinar in 2001. Headed by Abdelmoumen ...
According to well-informed sources, the Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, who has recently managed not only to end the long isolation of his country but also to establish it as a key regional player, ...