The news of Zuma-Sambudla’s court appearance on Thursday “on charges of the July 2021 uprising” was initially made known ...
Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla, membre du nouveau parti de son père, l’uMkhonto We Sizwe (MK), qu’elle représente en tant que députée, est connue des Sud-Africains pour son utilisation incendiaire des réseaux ...
The MK Party has defended party president Jacob Zuma, saying he doesn't have to explain why he met with Clive Derby-Lewis, ...
uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party leader Jacob Zuma “does not have to explain himself” about why he visited Conservative Party ...
Duduzile Zuma posted a series of controversial tweets during the July unrest, some which were deemed as inciteful and inflammatory.
Une fille de l'ancien président sud-africain Jacob Zuma a été arrêtée jeudi et a comparu devant un tribunal pour terrorisme.
An unrepentant Janusz Waluś, the Polish immigrant who murdered South African Communist Party (SACP) general secretary Chris ...
Les deux boîtes noires de l'avion de ligne d'American Airlines, qui s'est écrasé en tuant 67 personnes mercredi soir, vont ...
That he was denied amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and spent 29 years in jail for assassinating SACP leader Chris Hani was a ‘travesty of justice’, claims killer Janusz Waluś.
Janusz Walus reveals his motives for assassinating Chris Hani and discusses the implications of his actions in a recent ...
L'Afrique du Sud utilise souvent son poids diplomatique pour se positionner en tant que défenseur du sud global sur la scène ...
The #FreeJacobZuma campaign is grateful that President Jacob Zuma has been granted medical parole by the Department of Correctional Services. While our gratefulness is informed by our deep concern for ...