The company's actions have impacted public health and contributed to the growing concern of rising global temperatures.
In 1993, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) had developed a negative list of undesirable industrial plants working ...
In order to stop the fluoridation of water from a federal standpoint, “Congress would have to pass a law outlawing the use of ...
A federal court in D.C. has issued a ruling that curtails the White House’s ability to set government-wide rules pertaining ...
When President-elect Donald Trump named former New York congressman Lee Zeldin as head of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), he said the Republican would "unleash the power of American ...
Zeldin is a Trump loyalist, and Trump has already promised to gut any regulations that the oil industry doesn't like.
Companies’ use of a solvent to produce other substances and its unintentional formation through common household and ...