Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday paid condolences to the family members of the person who died in the blast that occurred at the Ordnance Factory at Maharashtra's Bhandara."Deeply saddened to know about the blast at the Ordnance Factory at Bhandara,
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday said that India is a fast-developing country, but its development needs to be inclusive, equitable, ecologically sustainable and morally desirable without compromising the planet's health.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh emphasized India's rapid development should prioritize sustainability at an event honoring environmentalist Sugathakumari in Kerala. Singh advocated for need-based consumption and noted key green initiatives,
Addressing students and faculty, Shri Rajnath Singh highlighted that Sainik Schools integrate academic excellence with physical and moral training. “These schools are pivotal in nurturing well-rounded individuals capable of becoming future leaders. The confluence of ‘defence’ and ‘education’ strengthens the nation-building process,” he said.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday urged everyone to visit the Mahakumbh to experience the profound cultural and spiritual essence of India. Describing it as a grand festival transcending barriers of sect, community, and religion, Singh called the Mahakumbh a reflection of the true Indianness that unites the nation.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh stressed the need to bolster India's offensive and defensive responses due to the volatile global security scenario. Singh highlighted the crucial link between India's economic prosperity and maritime security in the Indian Ocean Region.
India's Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh, emphasizes the crucial link between India's economic prosperity and maritime security. He highlights the need for strong territorial protection, safe navigation routes,
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I see India in you: Rajnath Singh to NCC cadets
Singh emphasised the unity in diversity in India. He expressed confidence that the energy and enthusiasm of the cadets signify a bright future for the nation.
International power rivalry is playing out in the Indian Ocean region, India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said on Wednesday, adding that a strong naval presence in the key trade route was his country's biggest priority.
Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh lauded the Indian Army on the occasion of the 77th Army Day, highlighting its "indomitable courage, valour, and selfless service" in safeguarding the nation's security and integrity.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday underlined the need to strengthen India's offensive and defensive responses in view of the turmoil being witnessed in the rules-based international order.
“In an unfortunate incident today, a blast at Bhandara munitions factory has killed at least eight people and injured seven others,” India’s cabinet minister Nitin Gadkari said. Gadkari, a lawmaker from Maharashtra state where the explosion occurred, offered his condolences.