The Microscopy and Cell Analysis Core is a Mayo Clinic resource facility in Rochester, Minnesota, equipped and expertly staffed to provide specimen preparation, light and electron microscopy, ...
Transmitted electron microscopes, scanning electron microscopes and a serial blockface electron microscope. Confocal microscopes, widefield microscopes supporting brightfield and dark field microscopy ...
The core has both scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and transmission electron microscopes (TEMs). The TEMs are 120-kilovolt instruments used for both clinical and research samples. Standard ...
Mayo Clinic's data analytics services help researchers gather, analyze, interpret and disseminate all types of research data. Areas of expertise include data and free text data; data from genetic ...
At Mayo Clinic, our patient focus is driven by research. From providing the best individualized care to addressing the world's most challenging health care problems, Mayo researchers relentlessly ...
Each positive hybrid that is producing the specific antibody of interest will be cloned and subcloned to maintain the stability and monoclonal character of the hybridoma. Cloning and subcloning are ...
The Transgenic and Knockout Core at Mayo Clinic generates transgenic and gene-targeted mice for researchers at Mayo Clinic's campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. Mouse models are important ...
Cardiologists Patricia J M Best, M.D.; Marysia S. Tweet, M.D., M.S.; and Sharonne N. Hayes, M.D., investigate the causes and risk factors for SCAD and are working ...
The mission of the X-Ray Imaging Core at Mayo Clinic is to offer the highest level of X-ray imaging services to the Mayo Clinic research community through access to top-of-the-line imaging equipment ...
The Department of Quantitative Health Sciences at Mayo Clinic is a multidisciplinary group with hundreds of staff members, located in Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Rochester, ...
Though it's possible to produce monoclonal antibodies using mice, rats and rabbits, the Antibody Hybridoma Core only immunizes mice. When immunized, boosted and bled by core staff members, these mice ...
The Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Lab has discovered more than a dozen genes with a predisposition to sudden death and remains committed to improving diagnostic and prognostic approaches ...