The BBC series follows English teacher Claire (Rebecca Hall) and her student (Ollie West), who begin to hear a low hum that ...
BBC drama The Listeners features a teacher whose world turns upside down due to an elusive humming sound that she alone seems ...
BBC has released the trailer for an upcoming mystery thriller series titled The Listeners , which stars Rebecca Hall as a ...
Can some of us also hear the disturbing sound that plagues characters in the hit TV show – and where is it coming from?
British actress Rebecca Hall is currently starring as Claire, a teacher plagued by a mysterious hum in the new series The ...
From “McBling Strut Pop” to “Witchy Strut Indie”, Spotify Wrapped 2024 found new hilarious ways of calling people gay.
The project includes criticisms of pronoun usage and “IG models” while also taking strong shots at internet rappers and ...