Attack on Titan - The Last Attack anime film was released in Japan on November 7, 2024. Its anime-original post-credits scene was also revealed, which was the anime adaptation of the end credits ...
Isayama was closely involved in the movie's production, offering insights and details for THE LAST ATTACK. The post-credits scene features Armin, Eren, and Mikasa discussing a historical ...
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack is arriving in Japanese theaters, promising to be the first movie of the franchise that introduced anime fans to the likes of Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert ...
Nor is it Artificial intelligence. Rather, it’s a canon depiction from the brand-new film for the anime, Attack on Titan: The ...
The CEO of UnitedHealth was fatally shot in the chest Wednesday morning outside the Hilton hotel in Midtown in what police ...
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack is the first, and most likely last, movie that will feature the Scout Regiment and their fight against their former friend Eren Jaeger. The new Founding Titan ...
A feature-length presentation of Attack on Titan's Final Chapters, the 145-minute film (titled The Last Attack) has a handful of subtle changes, including a new post-credits scene. While we ...
Jewish settlers mounted a string of attacks on Palestinian towns in the occupied West Bank overnight, burning homes and ...