Yu-Gi-Oh! was originally created by Kazuki Takahashi for Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, and ran from September 1996 to March 2004. The series follows Yugi Mutou, a young boy who solves ...
Yu-Gi-Oh has launched a fancy new collab with King Ice for some truly sparkly jewelry worthy of the King of Games ...
Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel officially unveils the December update to the game's banlist, banning one new card and limiting three.
From valuable collector’s items to ready-to-play starter decks, this TCG gift guide has you covered. It’s time to g-g-g-gift! Whether it’s Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon Trading Card Game, Magic: The Gathering, ...
WWE superstar Xavier Woods, popularly known as Austin Creed on social media, revealed himself as Shadow Duelist Axle for the ...
Yu-Gi-Oh!, which means King of Games, is about spiky-haired teenager Yugi, who receives an ancient puzzle that awakens in him the alter ego of an Egyptian pharaoh. He then solves conflicts using ...
Yu-Gi-Oh formats range from beginner-friendly Yugi Kaiba to fast-paced Advanced, offering something for everyone's playstyle ...