Some say fake wasp nests are the secret to a sting-free summer. Others say it’s all buzz. Here’s what actually happens when ...
Wasps do a little bit of pollinating, but they serve other purposes in your garden, eating pests like aphids, beetles, and ...
Some types of wasps build large nests in inconvenient places ... so it's possible you might find some in or around your house ...
The weather is getting warmer, but while many of us are welcoming the sunshine, spring can bring unwanted visitors to our ...
True hornets are less aggressive than some wasp species ... or walls of a house or attic. The queen emerges from hiding in the spring and builds a tan, paper nest from chewed wood and saliva.
Casey placed a cup over a second nest in a different part of the house and, upon setting it, he immediately started shifting around in an attempt to properly secure the cup, but a few wasps snuck ...
There are 7,000 species of wasps living in the UK, nine of which build nests to house a colony. Like bees, each wasp species is either social or solitary. Those that prefer family life build nests to ...
Think you can outsmart wasps with a ball of yarn and a little craftiness? Some swear by it — others say don’t bother.
Wasps only use their nest for one season and will be gone the ... You can prevent them from finding your house a tempting place for a nest by keeping tight lids on your trashcans and cleaning ...
Yellow jackets are a type of wasp that often have black and yellow coloring. They typically build nests underground, which can house a colony of up to thousands of the bugs, depending on the time ...