More unemployed workers mean less total economic production. The unemployment definition doesn't include people who leave the workforce for reasons such as retirement, higher education ...
The unemployment rate is one of the most important economic indicators followed by consumers, investors, economists, and the Federal Reserve. Here's what it means, how it's measured, and how it ...
To facilitate a proper comparison between unemployment rates in the various European countries, Eurostat – the statistical bureau of the EU - publishes harmonised figures on a monthly basis. Eurostat ...
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) was a program that temporarily expanded unemployment insurance (UI) eligibility to people who wouldn't otherwise qualify. This included self-employed workers ...
Definition: Cyclical unemployment is a type of unemployment which is related to the cyclical trends in the industry or the business cycle. If an economy is doing good, cyclical unemployment will be at ...
Unemployment which is deliberately chosen by the person concerned. This could be because of a desire to refrain from work, or because they are searching for better opportunities.
Definition: Unemployment trap is a situation when unemployment benefits discourage the unemployed to go to work. People find the opportunity cost of going to work too high when one can simply enjoy ...
Current law establishes a common "employment" definition for workers' compensation, unemployment insurance and wage & hour coverage. This employment standard replaces the multiple tests previously ...