All multicellular creatures interact with bacteria, but some have taken the relationship to another level with highly specialized structures that house, feed, and exploit the tiny organisms. For the ...
In new research published this week in Cell Host & Microbe, a team led by Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) scientists reveals that symbiotic bacteria often accompany single-celled protists in ...
A new study from the University of Haifa – Oranim Campus, published in the prestigious scientific journal Current Biology, ...
Researchers have identified a new way to fight infections like Lyme disease and syphilis by disrupting the bacteria's "motor, ...
They thrive on the abundant biopolymer lignocellulose, depending upon a phy-logenetically diverse community of hindgut microbes including Bacteria, Archaea, and unicellular amitochondriate Eukarya for ...
Autumn olive engages in a symbiotic relationship with Frankia bacteria in root nodules, the location where nitrogen fixation occurs. Previous research has demonstrated that autumn olive is capable of ...
Organelles in cells were originally often independent cells, which were incorporated by host cells and lost their ...
An insect ecology professor at the University of Kentucky explored her research on how bacteria affects spider reproduction ...
Research suggests that the bacterial community residing in our mouths may potentially influencing the development of Alzheimer's disease.
The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. The Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol. 41, No. 3, Sep., 1927 Gas Production by Bacterial Symbiosis: W... The nonproteolytic, gas-forming bacteria alone ...
an intimate relationship between different organisms whose survival depends on one another. Other examples include bacteria that colonize human skin and digestive tracts, goby fish that live in ...