How does it inform the present? On this 400th anniversary, do the Pilgrim Fathers even merit all the fuss? Many depictions of the first Thanksgiving meal emphasise the role of Native Americans ...
A covenant is more than a myth of origin – like the Roman story of Romulus and Remus, or the English story of King Arthur and ...
For some, these 17th Century "pilgrim fathers" are also real-life ancestors. But for how many? There are a few estimates out there, all of them quite high. According to the General Society of ...
Travel on a ship and there are no traffic jams, no meal budgets to bust and no worries about flight delays or cancellations, ...
Elaine, inspired by Self’s mother’s diaries, gives us the lustful, self-lacerating, emotive monologue of a bored American ...
The Pilgrim Fathers of America were fleeing religious persecution in search of religious freedom. Their society was born in an act of moral commitment, handed on to successive generations. Covenant ...
It forms part of a 2,700-mile (4,345km) coast path around England which, once completed, will be the UK’s longest national ...
To England, where it would take a bloody civil war before Cromwell could establish his Protestant democratic state and finally, to the newly discovered lands of America, where the Pilgrim Fathers ...
It is an edition of the Geneva Bible, the popular Bible translation of the day. It is the Bible taken to America by the Pilgrim Fathers, and the version cited by William Shakespeare. The Cambridge ...
Supposedly the oldest pub on the Thames; supposedly built on the launching point for the Pilgrim Fathers; and supposedly the only UK pub licensed to sell US stamps... the Mayflower carries a bevy ...
The Geneva Bible was first printed in 1560 and was the translation of choice for the early puritans including the pilgrim fathers. It was known as the 'Breeches' Bible by it's detractors as Adam ...
The path between Sutton Bridge and Skegness means most of the coastline of The Wash is now open to walkers.The King Charles ...