Give Mahler a cheery nursery-rhyme ditty and he’ll turn it into the bleakest of gallows marches. Don’t believe us? Have a listen to the opening of the third movement of the First Symphony.
Like the grainy intensity of a high-contrast black-and-white photograph, these rugged edges accentuated Mahler’s expressive ...
An all-day marathon of youth orchestras from around L.A. proves to be a highlight of the L.A. Phil's Mahler Grooves festival, ...
The Fort Worth Symphony’s insistence on playing the American national anthem before every concert seemed particularly awkward Sunday afternoon. For it was followed by one of the most personal, the ...
And while the works don’t change, we do. I’d like to think that I’m a different person from when I first performed Mahler’s First Symphony with this orchestra seven years ago and that ...
From a vast and mysterious opera rehearsal stage (Gustav Mahler's "home away from home" for much of his life), San Francisco Symphony Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas (MTT) introduces us to ...
Led by Sir Antonio Pappano, the London Symphony's first New York appearance in two decades also featured Janine Jansen in ...
Film series Audiences can watch the movie while the symphony performs the soundtrack live. "Home Alone" in Concert (Nov. 15-16) "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in Concert (Jan. 30-Feb. 1 ...
1, 3 and 4. The Second and Sixth were played ... Later, the Colburn Orchestra ended the long day with a blazing performance of Mahler’s Second Symphony, “The Resurrection,” conducted with ...