The captain would concur. When you’re trying to sell your cereal brand to kids, is there any harm in fashioning a ...
Many kids begged their parents for this cereal ... It's among the early 2000s 90s cereal brands that were discontinued in the 2000s, disappointing many fans, who later started a petition to ...
and our evaluations are mostly based on bright colors and high sugar content—but hey, that’s what being a kid is all about. Here are 13 cereals we loved as kids and 13 we hated.
GODOY: Kids' cereals are the most heavily advertised food ... She says the most heavily advertised brands have as many as 12 grams of sugar per serving. That's about a tablespoon.
Natures Aid has also launched a Bluey range of multivitamins and supplements for kids, tailored to support bone health ... “Working with BBC Studios supports a new growth era for our iconic cereal ...