INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Matt Grevers had a different perspective on the U.S. Olympic swimming trials this time around. Returning to the pool at age 39, the six-time Olympic medalist competed ...
Former Wildcat swimmer Matt Grevers (C07) spent four years at Northwestern dreaming of competing in the Olympics. (See "Born to Swim," spring 2007.) He worked hard to improve in the pool with that ...
Le premier titre de la journée a été celui de Grevers, qu'il est allé chercher à la touche après une dure et palpitante bataille avec Donets pour faire de cette finale la plus belle course ...
Grevers a devancé son compatriote Nick Thoman, 2e en 52.92, et le Japonais Ryosuke Irie, médaillé de bronze aux Mondiaux-2011 et 3e en 52.97. Camille Lacourt, le champion du monde 2011, a pris ...
Former Wildcat swimmer Matt Grevers (C07) spent four years at Northwestern dreaming of competing in the Olympics. (See "Born to Swim," spring 2007.) He worked hard to improve in the pool with that ...
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Matt Grevers had a different perspective on the U.S. Olympic swimming trials this time around. Returning to the pool at age 39, the six-time Olympic medalist competed ...