Empty your wallets and get searching for these ultra-rare £2 coins. Despite being minted just 11 years ago, one particular ...
Coin experts have highlighted a unique British coin that could potentially fetch a tidy sum. The distinctive gold £2 coin isn't exactly ancient, having been minted a mere 13 years ago in 2012.
The £1 coin depicts a pair of British bees on the ‘tails’ side ... the conservation of these important species.’ A total of 2.975 million £1 coins are being issued to banks and Post ...
People are being encouraged to sift through their spare change for any £2 coins that might be worth ... "So this is a Wales Commonwealth Games two-pound coin from 2002. By the way, it's not ...
NARRATOR: Let’s see… you’ve got one five pound note, three, one pound coins and four, 50p pieces. £5 plus £3 makes £8, plus one 50p, makes £8.50. Plus another 50p makes £9, plus 50p ...