An international team of paleontologists, geoscientists and biologists has found via analysis of melanosome patterns in ...
Batman investigates and discovers a twisted new take on a classic villain when hostages are taken at Bledin Towers in a new ...
A joint research team from China and abroad has for the first time found that mammaliaforms from the Jurassic and Cretaceous ...
Sturgeon’s Law tells us that, in any given medium, 90% of what you come across is crap. And when you read a half-dozen stories per month which all take place in the same fictional city and ...
"These extinct early mammals had distinct lifestyles, ranging from ground-dwelling and burrowing to gliding through the ...
Today, LOLtron examines Batman: Dark Patterns #4, arriving in comic shops on March 12th. Here is what your human overlords at DC Comics have prepared to entertain you: A NEW CASE KICKS OFF WITH A ...
The early mammals that lived alongside the dinosaurs upwards of 150 million years ago (mya) were likely covered in dark and dusky greyish-brown fur, according to a quantitative reconstruction of ...