The lower the serial number of the King Charles III £5 note, the more valuable it is - and one expert has revealed exactly ...
“For a £5 note with the prefix ca01 followed by six zeros and a three, this has an estimate of £4,000 pounds, so make sure ... £20 and £50 banknotes were sold at auction for a total of ...
"A sheet of 40 £50 banknotes sold for £26,000 – 13 times their face value." A previous auction held by the BoE saw newly-printed £5 polymer notes sell for thousands of pounds too, Kate said.
"For a £5 note with the prefix ca01 followed by six zeros and a three, this has an estimate of £4,000 pounds, so make sure ... £20 and £50 banknotes went under the hammer, collectively ...
I thought shaky episodes resulting in scoffing chocolate just to be able to function were a normal part of life.
The expert advised: "So, what do you need to look for? For a five-pound note with the prefix CA01 0000003, this has an estimate of £4,000, so make sure you check all serial numbers for those low ...
The Coin Collecting Wizard has highlighted that some £5 and £20 notes are being snapped up for thousands of pounds. But it is not just any note with the monarch's face that will do - collectors ...