The Hoyle Historic Homestead, also known as Hoyle Family Homestead, Peter Hoyle House, and Pieter Hieyl Homeplace, is a mid- to late-18th century two-story house in Gaston County, North Carolina, with notable German-American construction features, the main block of which reflects two, and possibly three, phases, but the exact construction dates hav…The Hoyle Historic Homestead, also known as Hoyle Family Homestead, Peter Hoyle House, and Pieter Hieyl Homeplace, is a mid- to late-18th century two-story house in Gaston County, North Carolina, with notable German-American construction features, the main block of which reflects two, and possibly three, phases, but the exact construction dates have not been determined. A major renovation, c. 1810, added a late Georgian and Federal finish, as well as front and rear shed porches. A brick well house and a frame smokehouse, both east of the house, date from the 19th century. Almost nine acres, with several large walnut trees, surround the buildings.